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We Are Coming


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Who We Are

Our young people are the leaders of the future, at Dare To Be we want to make sure they all have the tools they need to be able to sail through stormy weather.  According to the latest facts from the university of Cambridge 1 in 5 young people between 12 and 18 are suffering with depression. We feel it’s time for us to step in and hold these young people by creating a space where they feel safe and able to do deep work, so they don’t drown when it seems the World is crumbling at their feet. If you take an old wonky oak tree, we can’t make it grow straight but a sapling we can guide it the light.


Dare To Be is an art production company creating experiences focussing on initiation transformation, to empower our teens to Dare to dream their dreams alive. Facilitating spaces and experiences for parents and their children to come together.

From Harm to Harmony - on 27th November 2021

Dare To Be’s event ‘From Harm to Harmony’ focuses on understanding the problems that our young leaders experience, then using different facilitators, professors & shamans who will share their wisdom and give practical advice and exercises so that we can face these challenging times better equipped for the future. For an empowered healing experience. Transforming the blue print for future generations.


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